Sonntag, 1. Mai 2011

Korean Breakfast

It can be very difficult for foreigners in Korea to decide what to eat for breakfast. The bread you can get here is very white and sweet and doesn't really make you feel full. Also, I don't have a toaster in the dorm and no good possibility to store anything I might want to put on the bread.
So I tried now for some time to find a good breakfast for me here. For maybe two weeks I had breakfast in liquid form...
I had different kinds of strawberry milk:

Different kinds of soy milk:

Cereal milk:

Didn't taste like cereal...
So-called "Morning Juice":

And even soy milk with almond which was supposed to give me mojo:

Of course none of these made me feel full until lunchtime...the solution: Korean style breakfast in the cafeteria. I admit, I had to get used to eating rice, soup and spicy side dishes at 8 o'clock in the morning but it does give me energy until lunchtime and I guess it must be quite healthy as well. It's affordable as well (only 2000 won (~ 1,20 euro)).

Korean breakfast
Highlight of the week: once a week you get a slice of pancake as a side dish...and sometimes even a spoonful of scrambled eggs!

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