Sonntag, 26. Juni 2011

Debating Club - Update

So what have I been doing all the time? Well, one of the things I did, was to go to the debating club (nearly) every Wednesday.
Some of the topics we talked about were:
  • Does competition in education contribute to the improvement of the society?
  • Should adultery be punished by criminal law?
  • Do you agree that a university student who isn't qualified as a teacher tutors a younger student with such high pay rates?
  • How do lovers handle Push and Pull games?
It was always very interesting to get to know the Korean point of view and I enjoyed going there a lot. I met some really, really nice people there as well who became my friends. So, now the good news is that we will continue meeting during the semester break :)

Small group discussion in progress

and of course we also went drinking together :)

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