Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2011

In the Office - Continued

So, what am I doing these days? Staying in the office! It is no secret that my roommate and me are not the best friends, so I usually stay a lot at my friend's office (usually I go there first thing in the morning and leave late at night).
We work so hard, we often also eat our lunch there:

Typical Korean Office Lunch
 We even exercise in the office...because you never know when some work might pop up ;)

Table Tennis Court
I love it here :)

Joking around (and working a little bit)

Me and Haha in and around the office

2 Kommentare:

  1. what's that strange stuff in a square tupperware on the lunch photo? ))

    soo, that's where you were conducting your presentation! :)

  2. It's fried rice with kimchi :) and it's not strange but very delicious, made by my friend and office neighbor...I will expect you to provide food for me too ;)))
