The reason: not one word of Korean was spoken today :) everything was in English and no jokes in Korean against foreigners. I'm quite happy with this class now, I hope it goes on like this :)
The teacher brought the books for us today and gave them to us as a present, which is a really nice gesture I think.
We are at the moment reading the following two books:
- Psycholinguistics by Thomas Scovel (1998)
- Psycholinguistics - Language, Mind and World by Steinberg, Nagata and Aline (2nd edition, 2001)
The good thing of today: I found out that I can get free coffee and tea in the department office any time I'd like to have some! Yeeeeeeeeeah, finally a source for coffee so I can survive the 3-hour marathon classes (you can even choose between instant and REAL coffee)!
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